Mobile Lenses

The next generation of mobile lenses.
A new era of mobile photography.

Pick Your Lens

Each has a different look and feel. Click on any to start exploring or scroll to learn more!

LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 60mm Telephoto
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 16mm Wide Angle
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 75mm Long Range Macro
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.33x Anamorphic
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 1.55x Anamorphic
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 10x 25mm Traditional Macro
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye - ShiftCam
LensUltra - 200Β° Fisheye

Discover The Power of More

Unlock your phone camera's full potential with LensUltra Mobile Lenses.

See beyond your camera’s capabilities, with more pixels to work with and less limitations from your device - All without sacrificing clarity.


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Empowering Mobile Creativity

Why LensUltra?

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Works with iPhone & Android

LensUltra works with all phones, both iPhones and Androids.

Bottom ImageLensUltra Highlights - .png__PID:4bb892e5-5093-4053-88ee-467ede14b8d5
Easy Lens Mount

Simply align and screw/twist your lens into the mount and instantly start taking sharper photos.

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Edge-to-Edge Clarity

Overcome the limitations of your phone's built-in lenses and capture moments with ultra-high clarity and versatile optical effects.

Rectangle 266LensUltra Highlights - .png__PID:b892e550-93d0-4388-ae46-7ede14b8d5b7
Enhanced Bokeh

Capture every angle of the scene and make your subjects stand out with built-in natural Silky Depth of Field.

Heroheaderphone 2LensUltra Highlights - -1.png__PID:92e55093-d053-48ee-867e-de14b8d5b71b
Fluorite Advantage

Make your colors pop with enhanced image quality. The rare-earth flourite reduces color fringing and improves color accuracy on your photos/videos.

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Aerospace-Grade Aluminium

Durable, lightweight and future proof - built with materials designed to outlast your current phone and the next.

Compatible with the latest iPhone

Camera Case - iPhone 16 (S.Mount) Clear
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Camera Case - iPhone 16 (S.Mount) Fabric
Camera Case - iPhone 16 (S.Mount) Fabric
Camera Case - iPhone 16 (S.Mount) Fabric
Camera Case - iPhone 16 (S.Mount) Fabric
Camera Case - iPhone 16 (S.Mount) Fabric
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Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 15 Bundle
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In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only - ShiftCam
In-Case Lens Mount Only
Learn More
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 14 - ShiftCam
Camera Case (Leather) - iPhone 14
Learn More
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 13
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Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam
Camera Case - iPhone 11/12 - ShiftCam